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About QuidProRoom

How it works...

QuidProRoom partners homeowners with people looking to find a home who can offer help around the house for discounted rent. Our search bar gives some examples of the type of help that might include - help with the kids, help with pets, help around the house, or simply a bit of company.

Bringing people together

We live in a world where people can at times feel isolated. QuidProRoom helps by partnering individuals from all walks of life and ages, to build real communities that are more vibrant, fun and intimate.

Making it possible

Time is also a rare commodity in the modern world. QuidProRoom helps you find someone who can free up some of your time and, in the process, become a fun addition to your home.

Change from the ground up

Big cities can be prohibitively expensive. QuidProRoom is a tool that solves that problem, opening up new rooms and possibilities at affordable prices. If you can help make someone's life a little easier and happier in the process, then everyone wins.